The Government of the Punjab has approved recruitment against 34,054
vacancies of teaching staff in Government schools of the province during the year
2008-09, in relaxation of ban on recruitment. The district-wise breakup of various
categories of school specific/ non- transferable posts of Educators is attached at
2. Recruitment Policy for appointing school specific Educators in the contract
mode is hereby circulated. The policy aims for provision of better qualified Educators
in public schools are to increase student enrollment, reduce teachers’ absenteeism
and improve quality of education. The policy is guided by the principles of merit,
transparency, foolproof selection process and fair competition.
3. Uniform recruitment procedures shall be followed regarding advertisement
for recruitment of Educators, application forms, merit calculation, allocation of marks
for local residence, interview procedure and timelines of recruitment process.
4. Nomenclature/Academic & Professional Qualification/Salary
The academic and professional qualification, salary package and
nomenclature of posts shall be as attached at Annexure-B.
5. Terms & Conditions of Recruitment
i. Recruitment of Educators shall be made in the contract mode under
the specific terms and conditions as stated in the Letter of Agreement
for each post.
a. Elementary School Educators (ESE)
b. Senior Elementary School Educators (SESE)
c. Secondary School Educators (SSE Arts /Science
/English /Maths /Computer Science)
ii. The recruitment shall be school specific and non transferable.
iii. The contract employee shall have no right to demand or claim any
change in terms and conditions of the agreement.
6. Allocation of Posts (District wise)
i. Allocation of posts for every district has been approved by the Chief
Minister. District wise school specific breakup of posts is placed at
ii. In each High / Higher Secondary School one post of SSE (Computer
Science) would be advertised for selection on merit against such post
created on conversion / upgradation of 4574 vacant post of EST
(English) throughout the province.
iii. Approved SNE posts in upgraded schools will be advertised against
the specified schools in total.
iv. The posts of different categories of Educators allocated to district as
mentioned in Annexure-A will be identified school-wise as per need
and norm by the District Government and will be notified by the
District Coordination Officer and accordingly advertisement of school
specific posts will be floated in the newspapers.
v. The posts of Educators (category-wise) have been allocated on the
basis of available number of vacant posts of the corresponding
category. While identifying the school-wise posts on need-basis, the
equal number of posts of corresponding category will have to be
vi. Advertisement shall be issued by District Coordination Officer (DCO),
chairperson of the District Recruitment Committee, as per the
approved format given at Annexure-F. The expenditure in respect of
advertisement or any other recruitment related process shall be
borne by District Governments.
vii. Application Form placed at Annexure G, shall be followed by all
District Governments for receiving of applications.
7. Eligibility Criteria
A. Qualification
Minimum qualification (Academic & Professional) for each category
of posts shall be as stated at Annexure-B.
B. Age Limit
Minimum age of a candidate shall be 20 years and maximum age
shall be 35 years, (inclusive of general 5 years age relaxation
already admissible) closing date of applications as on 01-07-2008.
No further age relaxation shall be admissible.
C. Experience
i. There shall be a maximum of 5 marks for teaching experience for
ESE & SESE (which means teaching experience in Federal/
Provincial Government and Semi-Government schools only). One
mark shall be given for each completed year of teaching
irrespective of the Cadre of employment. Fraction of a year of
experience shall not be considered.
ii. For SSE (Science & Arts), there shall be three marks for teaching
experience and two marks for Computer literate.
iii. Only certificates issued by Head Teachers and countersigned by
the concerned District Education Officer (DEO) or
Head/Chairperson of the institution/department shall be acceptable
for allocation of teaching experience marks.
D. Female Candidates
Female candidates shall be eligible to apply for the posts of
Elementary School Educators (ESE) and Senior Elementary School
Educators (SESE) Science in Boys Primary & Middle Schools in
addition to all categories of posts in girl schools. However, female
candidates SHALL NOT be eligible to apply against any category
of post in boys high/ higher secondary schools.
E. Recruitment of Disabled Persons
i) 2% statutory quota for disabled persons, of the total allocated posts
of each category, shall be reserved.
i) Inter-se merit of disabled candidates shall be prepared separately,
according to the criteria prescribed for general candidates, for the
available number of vacancies for disabled persons.
ii) Minimum qualification (Academic & Professional), age limit, marks
for local residence, and teaching experience, for disabled persons,
shall remain the same as prescribed at Annexure B.
iii) Disabled candidates, fulfilling the requisite criteria, shall be offered
their first priority regardless of their position in the merit list for the
concerned school.
iv) Disabled persons shall also apply to the EDO (Education) on the
same application form, given at Annexure G, but shall mention
their claim of disability by filling in appropriate column of School
Priority Form, and by attaching a certificate of their disability issued
by competent authority.
v) Under disabled persons’ quota, blind, deaf & dumb candidates shall
not be eligible to apply. Disabled candidates fit for teaching
profession and able to read, write and use blackboard shall be
eligible to apply for appointment against this quota.
8. Selection/Recruitment Committee
A. Members of Recruitment Committee
o District Coordination Officer (DCO) as Chairperson
o Executive District Officer (EDO) Education as Member
o Executive District Officer (EDO) Finance & Planning as Member
o District Education Officer concerned as Appointing Authority
o One Nominee of the Provincial Government as notified by Special
Secretary (Schools), Education Department.
B. Responsibilities of Recruitment Committee
i) Recruitment committee shall be responsible for conducting the
whole process of recruitment.
ii) Executive District Officer (EDO) Education shall be the appointing
authority for Secondary School Educators (SSE
Science/Arts/English/Maths/Computer Science).
iii) District Education Officer (M&W-EE) concerned shall be the
appointing authority for Elementary School Educators (ESE) and
Senior Elementary School Educators (SESE) Science/Arts.
iv) The appointing authority shall issue Letter of Agreement to the
selected candidates on the recommendation of Recruitment
Committee as per approved format.
9. Role of DMO
i) District Monitoring Officer (DMO) shall be involved in the
recruitment process as an Observer and his observations shall
assist in formative evaluation regarding:
Advertisement for recruitment of Educators
Use and adherence to Application Package
Merit Calculation
Allocation of 10 marks for local residence
Display of Pre-Interview Merit Lists
ii) The data entry of applications in customized software developed by
PMIU-PESRP, generation of Pre-Interview Merit Lists and safe
return of application forms to EDO (Education) shall also be the
responsibility of DMO.
10. Procedure for Processing Applications
i) To make recruitment process smooth and to ensure transparency
and merit, Executive District Officer (EDO) Education shall
establish a Recruitment Cell headed by an officer not below BS-19
in his office for scrutiny of applications and monitoring of
recruitment process.
ii) Standardized advertisement for Elementary School Educators,
Senior Elementary School Educators (Science) and Secondary
School Educators (Science/Arts/English/Mathematics/Computer
Science), shall be issued by the concerned District Coordination
Officer (DCO) / Chairperson of Recruitment Committee, clearly
indicating school wise, category wise, gender wise vacancies to be
filled and shall be published in leading national and local
iii) Already employed Educators (in contract mode) may also apply for
the same post in another school or a higher post in same/ another
school. However, the posts of Educators, becoming vacant as a
result of exercise of this option, shall be subsequently filled under
this policy.
iv) Machine numbered Application Package shall be printed according
to the format prescribed by PMIU-PESRP (Annexure-G).
v) School Priority Forms (attached with application form) must be filled
in by the candidate. Applications with unfilled School Priority
Forms shall not be accepted.
vi) Candidates applying for more than one post shall submit school
specific Application Form. An applicant may give upto a maximum
of 15 priorities in the School Priority Form.
vii) Challan Form shall also be attached with the Application Form by
submitting fee of Rs. 100/- in total, regardless of number of
priorities, under the account head of Government Treasury, (Old)
Provincial Account No-1 (Non–Food) or (New) Non Tax Revenue,
in National Bank of Pakistan.
viii) If an applicant applies for a job in a school located in same Tehsil of
which he/she is the resident, 10 marks for local Tehsil shall be
awarded to him/her.
ix) EDO (Education) concerned shall scrutinize all applications and
ensure that particulars mentioned in Application Forms are same as
per the attested copies of documents attached.
x) Applications received in EDO (Education) office shall be processed
in respect of local residence marks allocation and marks for
teaching experience.
xi) After scrutiny of applications in the EDO (Education) office, the
applications shall be handed over to DMO for data entry and
generation of Pre-Interview Merit Lists.
xii) DMO, after data entry, shall hand over the application forms back to
EDO (Education) along with Pre-Interview Merit Lists.
xiii) To reduce chances of error in merit calculation, school specific and
category wise computer generated Pre-Interview Merit Lists shall
be conspicuously displayed on the notice board in the offices of
EDO (Education) and DMO. Objections received by the EDOs
(Edu) will be disposed of by giving personal hearing in three days
and corrected pre-interview merit list will be displayed in three days.
xiv) Members of Recruitment Committee shall assess the eligible
candidates and evaluate their abilities as per Evaluation Form given
at Annexure-H.
xv) Absent candidates, shall stand disqualified for recruitment
altogether irrespective of their marks in Pre-Interview Merit List.
xvi) A candidate shall appear only once for interview and shall be
assessed for all posts for which he/she has applied (as per School
Priority Form filled in by the applicant).
xvii) Verification of certificates/degrees with Gazette of Educational
Boards/Universities, shall be done by the DDO concerned within
three months after joining of the selected candidates.
xviii) Selected candidates shall be issued offer letters (i.e. Letters of
Agreement) by the respective appointing authorities, and the
appointing authorities shall be bound to display the final lists of
school wise selected candidates at some conspicuous place in their
respective offices.
xix) A copy of the list of selected candidates shall be provided to the
office of DMO within three days of its issuance. He/she shall ensure
that all selected candidates, who join their respective places of
posting, duly fill in Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
form developed by PMIU-PESRP. Properly filled in form shall be
collected and sent to PMIU-PESRP office Lahore for entry into
xx) If a selected candidate fails to submit his/her Joining Report to the
Appointing Authority, within 10 days of receipt of Letter of
Agreement, the offer shall be deemed to have been rejected, and
the candidate next in merit list shall be issued the Letter of
xxi) The Recruitment process shall be conducted, so far as practicable,
according to the timelines given at Annexure-I.
11. Selection/Ranking Criteria
i) To determine the merit/ranking criteria of eligible candidates, marks
shall be awarded to each candidate as per weight assigned to the
academic & professional qualifications as given at Annexure J,
and shall be computed through customized recruitment software.
ii) Original certificates/ degrees shall be produced by the candidate
before the Recruitment Committee at the time of interview.
iii) In case a candidate is holding more than one Masters Degrees,
marks shall be awarded to the ONE most beneficial for recruitment
against posts of ESE and SESE and most relevant Degree for
recruitment against the posts of SSE as per priority mentioned at
Annexure B.
iv) To ensure that the right person gets ten marks, reserved for local
residence on Tehsil basis, the candidate shall be given marks only
upon production of any of the following documents:
Computerized National Identity Card
Domicile Certificate
Nikkah Nama (Optional for female candidates only)
v) School wise ‘Final Merit List’ shall be prepared after interviews on
the basis of total marks secured by the eligible candidates.
12. Interviews and preparation of final merit list
i) There shall be a maximum of 5 marks for interview for all
categories which would be recorded, on Evaluation Form by
Recruitment Committee.
ii) The Recruitment Committee shall award marks of interview to the
candidate, by indicating his/her eligibility for each level of post
he/she has applied for, on a zero to 5 rating scale given in
Evaluation Form.
iii) The final merit list shall be prepared after adding interview marks
obtained by the candidate.
iv) Merit list will be arranged in order of the highest number earned by
the candidate. If total marks after the addition of interview marks
become equal then the candidate obtaining higher marks in
interview will rank senior and in case the interview marks are also
equal then candidate older in age will rank senior.
v) Absent candidates, shall stand disqualified for recruitment
altogether irrespective of their marks in Pre-Interview Merit List.
vi) Provincial Education Department shall circulate detailed program to
Registrars of all Universities, Secretaries of BISEs for time bound
verification & return of original documents.
13. Filling in remaining vacancies after completion of recruitment
In case vacancies remain unfilled even after completion of recruitment
process, a combined merit list in each category of remaining un-appointed candidates
would be formulated at Tehsil level. The left over vacant posts would be offered to such
un-appointed candidates in order of merit.
14. Third Party Validation
Third Party Validation of recruitment processes shall be carried out by an
independent party after completion of 2008-09 recruitments.
15. Timelines for Recruitment
The recruitment process, so far as practicable, shall be completed
according to the timelines stated at Annexure I.
Annexure B
Category Nomenclature
Minimum Qualifications
Academic Professional
School Educator
Equal to BS-09
Preference will
be given to
Senior Elementary
School Educator
(Science) Equal to
B.Sc. With
And BS.Ed.
Preference will
be given to
Senior Elementary
School Educator
(Arts) Equal to
Preference will
be given to
Secondary School
Educators (Bio /
Chem) Equal to
(Chem/Botany/Zoology) or
(Preference will be given to
M.Sc. in above subjects)
Preference will
be given to B.Ed.
Secondary School
Equal to BS-16
B.Sc. With Math/Physics or
BS.Ed. (Physics/Math).
(Preference will be given to
M.Sc. In above subjects)
Preference will
be given to B.Ed.
Secondary School
Educator (Arts)
Equal to BS-16
Preference will
be given to B.Ed.
Secondary School
(English) Equal to
M.A. (English)
Preference will
be given to B.Ed.
Secondary School
Educator (Comp.
Science) Equal to
B.Sc. (Computer
Science)/BCS from
recognized University
(Preference will be given to
Computer studies as subject
having 200 marks in
Preference will
be given to B.Ed.
The Government of the Punjab has approved recruitment against 34,054
vacancies of teaching staff in Government schools of the province during the year
2008-09, in relaxation of ban on recruitment. The district-wise breakup of various
categories of school specific/ non- transferable posts of Educators is attached at
2. Recruitment Policy for appointing school specific Educators in the contract
mode is hereby circulated. The policy aims for provision of better qualified Educators
in public schools are to increase student enrollment, reduce teachers’ absenteeism
and improve quality of education. The policy is guided by the principles of merit,
transparency, foolproof selection process and fair competition.
3. Uniform recruitment procedures shall be followed regarding advertisement
for recruitment of Educators, application forms, merit calculation, allocation of marks
for local residence, interview procedure and timelines of recruitment process.
4. Nomenclature/Academic & Professional Qualification/Salary
The academic and professional qualification, salary package and
nomenclature of posts shall be as attached at Annexure-B.
5. Terms & Conditions of Recruitment
i. Recruitment of Educators shall be made in the contract mode under
the specific terms and conditions as stated in the Letter of Agreement
for each post.
a. Elementary School Educators (ESE)
b. Senior Elementary School Educators (SESE)
c. Secondary School Educators (SSE Arts /Science
/English /Maths /Computer Science)
ii. The recruitment shall be school specific and non transferable.
iii. The contract employee shall have no right to demand or claim any
change in terms and conditions of the agreement.
6. Allocation of Posts (District wise)
i. Allocation of posts for every district has been approved by the Chief
Minister. District wise school specific breakup of posts is placed at
ii. In each High / Higher Secondary School one post of SSE (Computer
Science) would be advertised for selection on merit against such post
created on conversion / upgradation of 4574 vacant post of EST
(English) throughout the province.
iii. Approved SNE posts in upgraded schools will be advertised against
the specified schools in total.
iv. The posts of different categories of Educators allocated to district as
mentioned in Annexure-A will be identified school-wise as per need
and norm by the District Government and will be notified by the
District Coordination Officer and accordingly advertisement of school
specific posts will be floated in the newspapers.
v. The posts of Educators (category-wise) have been allocated on the
basis of available number of vacant posts of the corresponding
category. While identifying the school-wise posts on need-basis, the
equal number of posts of corresponding category will have to be
vi. Advertisement shall be issued by District Coordination Officer (DCO),
chairperson of the District Recruitment Committee, as per the
approved format given at Annexure-F. The expenditure in respect of
advertisement or any other recruitment related process shall be
borne by District Governments.
vii. Application Form placed at Annexure G, shall be followed by all
District Governments for receiving of applications.
7. Eligibility Criteria
A. Qualification
Minimum qualification (Academic & Professional) for each category
of posts shall be as stated at Annexure-B.
B. Age Limit
Minimum age of a candidate shall be 20 years and maximum age
shall be 35 years, (inclusive of general 5 years age relaxation
already admissible) closing date of applications as on 01-07-2008.
No further age relaxation shall be admissible.
C. Experience
i. There shall be a maximum of 5 marks for teaching experience for
ESE & SESE (which means teaching experience in Federal/
Provincial Government and Semi-Government schools only). One
mark shall be given for each completed year of teaching
irrespective of the Cadre of employment. Fraction of a year of
experience shall not be considered.
ii. For SSE (Science & Arts), there shall be three marks for teaching
experience and two marks for Computer literate.
iii. Only certificates issued by Head Teachers and countersigned by
the concerned District Education Officer (DEO) or
Head/Chairperson of the institution/department shall be acceptable
for allocation of teaching experience marks.
D. Female Candidates
Female candidates shall be eligible to apply for the posts of
Elementary School Educators (ESE) and Senior Elementary School
Educators (SESE) Science in Boys Primary & Middle Schools in
addition to all categories of posts in girl schools. However, female
candidates SHALL NOT be eligible to apply against any category
of post in boys high/ higher secondary schools.
E. Recruitment of Disabled Persons
i) 2% statutory quota for disabled persons, of the total allocated posts
of each category, shall be reserved.
i) Inter-se merit of disabled candidates shall be prepared separately,
according to the criteria prescribed for general candidates, for the
available number of vacancies for disabled persons.
ii) Minimum qualification (Academic & Professional), age limit, marks
for local residence, and teaching experience, for disabled persons,
shall remain the same as prescribed at Annexure B.
iii) Disabled candidates, fulfilling the requisite criteria, shall be offered
their first priority regardless of their position in the merit list for the
concerned school.
iv) Disabled persons shall also apply to the EDO (Education) on the
same application form, given at Annexure G, but shall mention
their claim of disability by filling in appropriate column of School
Priority Form, and by attaching a certificate of their disability issued
by competent authority.
v) Under disabled persons’ quota, blind, deaf & dumb candidates shall
not be eligible to apply. Disabled candidates fit for teaching
profession and able to read, write and use blackboard shall be
eligible to apply for appointment against this quota.
8. Selection/Recruitment Committee
A. Members of Recruitment Committee
o District Coordination Officer (DCO) as Chairperson
o Executive District Officer (EDO) Education as Member
o Executive District Officer (EDO) Finance & Planning as Member
o District Education Officer concerned as Appointing Authority
o One Nominee of the Provincial Government as notified by Special
Secretary (Schools), Education Department.
B. Responsibilities of Recruitment Committee
i) Recruitment committee shall be responsible for conducting the
whole process of recruitment.
ii) Executive District Officer (EDO) Education shall be the appointing
authority for Secondary School Educators (SSE
Science/Arts/English/Maths/Computer Science).
iii) District Education Officer (M&W-EE) concerned shall be the
appointing authority for Elementary School Educators (ESE) and
Senior Elementary School Educators (SESE) Science/Arts.
iv) The appointing authority shall issue Letter of Agreement to the
selected candidates on the recommendation of Recruitment
Committee as per approved format.
9. Role of DMO
i) District Monitoring Officer (DMO) shall be involved in the
recruitment process as an Observer and his observations shall
assist in formative evaluation regarding:
Advertisement for recruitment of Educators
Use and adherence to Application Package
Merit Calculation
Allocation of 10 marks for local residence
Display of Pre-Interview Merit Lists
ii) The data entry of applications in customized software developed by
PMIU-PESRP, generation of Pre-Interview Merit Lists and safe
return of application forms to EDO (Education) shall also be the
responsibility of DMO.
10. Procedure for Processing Applications
i) To make recruitment process smooth and to ensure transparency
and merit, Executive District Officer (EDO) Education shall
establish a Recruitment Cell headed by an officer not below BS-19
in his office for scrutiny of applications and monitoring of
recruitment process.
ii) Standardized advertisement for Elementary School Educators,
Senior Elementary School Educators (Science) and Secondary
School Educators (Science/Arts/English/Mathematics/Computer
Science), shall be issued by the concerned District Coordination
Officer (DCO) / Chairperson of Recruitment Committee, clearly
indicating school wise, category wise, gender wise vacancies to be
filled and shall be published in leading national and local
iii) Already employed Educators (in contract mode) may also apply for
the same post in another school or a higher post in same/ another
school. However, the posts of Educators, becoming vacant as a
result of exercise of this option, shall be subsequently filled under
this policy.
iv) Machine numbered Application Package shall be printed according
to the format prescribed by PMIU-PESRP (Annexure-G).
v) School Priority Forms (attached with application form) must be filled
in by the candidate. Applications with unfilled School Priority
Forms shall not be accepted.
vi) Candidates applying for more than one post shall submit school
specific Application Form. An applicant may give upto a maximum
of 15 priorities in the School Priority Form.
vii) Challan Form shall also be attached with the Application Form by
submitting fee of Rs. 100/- in total, regardless of number of
priorities, under the account head of Government Treasury, (Old)
Provincial Account No-1 (Non–Food) or (New) Non Tax Revenue,
in National Bank of Pakistan.
viii) If an applicant applies for a job in a school located in same Tehsil of
which he/she is the resident, 10 marks for local Tehsil shall be
awarded to him/her.
ix) EDO (Education) concerned shall scrutinize all applications and
ensure that particulars mentioned in Application Forms are same as
per the attested copies of documents attached.
x) Applications received in EDO (Education) office shall be processed
in respect of local residence marks allocation and marks for
teaching experience.
xi) After scrutiny of applications in the EDO (Education) office, the
applications shall be handed over to DMO for data entry and
generation of Pre-Interview Merit Lists.
xii) DMO, after data entry, shall hand over the application forms back to
EDO (Education) along with Pre-Interview Merit Lists.
xiii) To reduce chances of error in merit calculation, school specific and
category wise computer generated Pre-Interview Merit Lists shall
be conspicuously displayed on the notice board in the offices of
EDO (Education) and DMO. Objections received by the EDOs
(Edu) will be disposed of by giving personal hearing in three days
and corrected pre-interview merit list will be displayed in three days.
xiv) Members of Recruitment Committee shall assess the eligible
candidates and evaluate their abilities as per Evaluation Form given
at Annexure-H.
xv) Absent candidates, shall stand disqualified for recruitment
altogether irrespective of their marks in Pre-Interview Merit List.
xvi) A candidate shall appear only once for interview and shall be
assessed for all posts for which he/she has applied (as per School
Priority Form filled in by the applicant).
xvii) Verification of certificates/degrees with Gazette of Educational
Boards/Universities, shall be done by the DDO concerned within
three months after joining of the selected candidates.
xviii) Selected candidates shall be issued offer letters (i.e. Letters of
Agreement) by the respective appointing authorities, and the
appointing authorities shall be bound to display the final lists of
school wise selected candidates at some conspicuous place in their
respective offices.
xix) A copy of the list of selected candidates shall be provided to the
office of DMO within three days of its issuance. He/she shall ensure
that all selected candidates, who join their respective places of
posting, duly fill in Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
form developed by PMIU-PESRP. Properly filled in form shall be
collected and sent to PMIU-PESRP office Lahore for entry into
xx) If a selected candidate fails to submit his/her Joining Report to the
Appointing Authority, within 10 days of receipt of Letter of
Agreement, the offer shall be deemed to have been rejected, and
the candidate next in merit list shall be issued the Letter of
xxi) The Recruitment process shall be conducted, so far as practicable,
according to the timelines given at Annexure-I.
11. Selection/Ranking Criteria
i) To determine the merit/ranking criteria of eligible candidates, marks
shall be awarded to each candidate as per weight assigned to the
academic & professional qualifications as given at Annexure J,
and shall be computed through customized recruitment software.
ii) Original certificates/ degrees shall be produced by the candidate
before the Recruitment Committee at the time of interview.
iii) In case a candidate is holding more than one Masters Degrees,
marks shall be awarded to the ONE most beneficial for recruitment
against posts of ESE and SESE and most relevant Degree for
recruitment against the posts of SSE as per priority mentioned at
Annexure B.
iv) To ensure that the right person gets ten marks, reserved for local
residence on Tehsil basis, the candidate shall be given marks only
upon production of any of the following documents:
Computerized National Identity Card
Domicile Certificate
Nikkah Nama (Optional for female candidates only)
v) School wise ‘Final Merit List’ shall be prepared after interviews on
the basis of total marks secured by the eligible candidates.
12. Interviews and preparation of final merit list
i) There shall be a maximum of 5 marks for interview for all
categories which would be recorded, on Evaluation Form by
Recruitment Committee.
ii) The Recruitment Committee shall award marks of interview to the
candidate, by indicating his/her eligibility for each level of post
he/she has applied for, on a zero to 5 rating scale given in
Evaluation Form.
iii) The final merit list shall be prepared after adding interview marks
obtained by the candidate.
iv) Merit list will be arranged in order of the highest number earned by
the candidate. If total marks after the addition of interview marks
become equal then the candidate obtaining higher marks in
interview will rank senior and in case the interview marks are also
equal then candidate older in age will rank senior.
v) Absent candidates, shall stand disqualified for recruitment
altogether irrespective of their marks in Pre-Interview Merit List.
vi) Provincial Education Department shall circulate detailed program to
Registrars of all Universities, Secretaries of BISEs for time bound
verification & return of original documents.
13. Filling in remaining vacancies after completion of recruitment
In case vacancies remain unfilled even after completion of recruitment
process, a combined merit list in each category of remaining un-appointed candidates
would be formulated at Tehsil level. The left over vacant posts would be offered to such
un-appointed candidates in order of merit.
14. Third Party Validation
Third Party Validation of recruitment processes shall be carried out by an
independent party after completion of 2008-09 recruitments.
15. Timelines for Recruitment
The recruitment process, so far as practicable, shall be completed
according to the timelines stated at Annexure I.
Annexure B
Category Nomenclature
Minimum Qualifications
Academic Professional
School Educator
Equal to BS-09
Preference will
be given to
Senior Elementary
School Educator
(Science) Equal to
B.Sc. With
And BS.Ed.
Preference will
be given to
Senior Elementary
School Educator
(Arts) Equal to
Preference will
be given to
Secondary School
Educators (Bio /
Chem) Equal to
(Chem/Botany/Zoology) or
(Preference will be given to
M.Sc. in above subjects)
Preference will
be given to B.Ed.
Secondary School
Equal to BS-16
B.Sc. With Math/Physics or
BS.Ed. (Physics/Math).
(Preference will be given to
M.Sc. In above subjects)
Preference will
be given to B.Ed.
Secondary School
Educator (Arts)
Equal to BS-16
Preference will
be given to B.Ed.
Secondary School
(English) Equal to
M.A. (English)
Preference will
be given to B.Ed.
Secondary School
Educator (Comp.
Science) Equal to
B.Sc. (Computer
Science)/BCS from
recognized University
(Preference will be given to
Computer studies as subject
having 200 marks in
Preference will
be given to B.Ed.